Jonathon's Racing Attacks and Adventure Packs!
Amazing racing and training adventures on roads and mountainous/hilly TRAILS, freewaybikehike and triathlons. Dreams of a SIX FOOT 45km finish,(DONE 2011,2013,2014,2015!),then ULTRA-TRAIL AUSTRALIA (50km DONE 2016! 100km DONE 2018!!!), memorable Melbourne Marathon and Gold Coast racing. Over a decade dreaming of a SUB 3HR MARATHON, sub 18min 5k, sub 38min 10k, sub 90min Half marathon etc...(shattered? or still realistic?)
About Me
- Name: trailblazer777
- Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
42.2km SB; 2004; 3.55 2005; 4.02 2006; 4.18, 2007; 4.10 2008; 3.55
2009; 4.11 2010; 4.05 2011; 4.02 2012;3.49 2013; 4.12 ... 2014; ; 4.08 ...2015; 4.00
2016; 4.11 2018; 4.15 2019; 4.25 2020; 5.38 ... 2021; 5.44 ... 2022 DNF at 37km
More ongoing GOALS;
***PB's pursuit; 5k 21.49, 10k 41.01 21.1k 1.41, ...42.2k 3.49
MM and the G!...
In recent years I have been enjoying races like;
December; 6-INCH(46km offroad)2005;--6 hrs 25 min...
2006; 7hrs 04 min
2008; 7hrs 00min...2009; 6hrs 16min
...2010:--5hrs 49min..2011:---5hrs 30min..2013---7 hrs 24min... 2014--- 7 hrs 06min 2015--6hours 43min ...2016---6hours 41min... 2017--7hrs 3min?... 2018-7hrs ... 2020 8hrs 19 ... 2021 8hrs 51
October; Melbourne Marathon
2007; 4hr 10 . 2008 DNF at 23km..
2009 4hrs 11.
2010 4hrs 05min...2011;4hrs
2012; 3hrs 49min 52secs PB!... ..2013; 4.12 2014; 4.08 2015; 4.05... 2016; 4.53
Rottnest Marathon 2004; 4hr 32min ... 2013; 4hr 16min... 2019; 4hr 41min 59secs
August; City to Surf most years since 1997 see HERE for details,photos.
PERTH C2S PB's; 4K;17min 25 (2002) 12K;52min 52 (1997)
21.1K;1.54.20 (2007) 42.2K; 4.00.20 (2015) (2010 video..45secs into it)
Perth City to Surf Marathon finisher 2009,2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019.
2012 HALF; 1.44 2013 HALF; 1.47 2014 HALF 1.49
2015 4.11 ..., 2016 4.11..., 2019 4.25
PERTH Marathon(42.2km)2004; 3hrs55min
2005;--4 hrs 02 min. 2006; 4hrs 18min 2007;4hrs 33
2008; 3hrs 55 2009; 4hrs 41min 2010; 4hrs 30min
2011; 4hrs 12min 2012; 4hrs 6min 2013; 4hrs 19min 2014 4hrs 48min 2018 4hrs 15min
2019; 4hrs 28min
2021 5hrs 44min
2016 50km 9 hours 50min 956th
2017 100km DNF CP4 57km
2018 100km 24hrs 33min 15 913th
2019 100km DNF CP3 46km 2021 CP2 DNF (severe back injury)
April;TWO DECADES of Bridges racing; 1997; 43min 43 1998; 41min 01
1999; 47min 29 2000; 46min 47 2001; (5km) 30min 01 2002; (5km) 22min 48
2003; 42min 40 2004; 48min 50 2005; 44min 40 2006; 48min 07 2007; 49min 16
2008; 50min 42 2009; 49min 54 2010; 48min 39 2011; 52min 55 2012; 47min 02 2013; 54min 45 2014; 48min 47 2015; 49min 53 2016 52min 20
March;6 Foot Track 45km;
2011; 6.53 2013; 6.54 2014; 6.47
2015; 6.14!!! 2016 DNF
As of October 2022; 37 road marathons finished (Perth x14, Melbourne x9,Perth City to Surf x7 Gold Coast x3 Rottnest x3 SunsetCoast x1)
Have also finished 20+ ultra races; 6 inch 47km ultra finished 12 times, six foot 45km ultra 4 times, Ultra Trail Australia ultras 2 times, Truth 50km ultra once within cutoff (and once outside cutoff), Lark Hill 50km ultra, 6hour track race, 24hr track race.
Also completed the Bloated Goat 31km (1500m Vertical gain) 2 times which is similiar effort to a 46km ultra.
DNFs in UTA100km, WTF50miler, WAMC40miler race, Truth 50km, Six foot and 6 inch.
The first 3 DNFs were after covering more than 42km, and with Truth one was a 25km DNF and the first one I finished the full 50km but was 19minutes outside cutoff battling an ankle injury for 36km.
In road marathons 3 DNFs one at 23km in the 2008 Melbourne Marathon due to severe ankle injury in the first 1km, and PC2S @ 30km, also 2022 Perth Marathon at 37km too fat and slow
Most races October 2009-October2020; >
30/10/2020 50th John Gilmour 10,000m track race 58min
20/09/2020 XTR Sunset Coast Marathon (#36) 5.38
30/08/2020 Fat Lamb PTS 20km
02/08/2020 Perth Half Mara 2.04
11/07/2020 Jumbuck PTS 3.39
08/03/2020 Darlington Half Marathon 2.07
01/11/2019 John Gilmour 10,000m Track race 51min
06/10/2019 Perth Marathon 4hrs 28min. #13 see here
01/09/2019 Rotto Biddi 3hrs.09.44
25/08/2019 City 2 Surf Marathon 4hrs 48min
17/08/2019 TW Parkrun 5km 24.29 (5th)
3/08/2019 Truth 50km DNF (at 25km in 4hrs 26min)
28/07/2019 RunMelbourne Halfmarathon 2hr 03min
21/07/2019 Champion Lakes R2R Halfmarathon 1hr 55min (32nd)
7/07/2019 Gold Coast Marathon 4hrs 25min
16/06/2019 Rottnest Marathon 4hrs 42min
18/05/2019 Ultra Trail Australia 100km DNF at 46km (CP3) 8hrs 58min
17/03/2019 Fat Lamb 20km 3hr 29min 49th of 70
02/03/2019 Lark Hill 25km 3hr 54 (Night race forgot headlamp)
24/02/2019 Swissmurdie 2hr 35
09/02/2019 Busselton Half marathon 2.13 (Late start actually 2.05)
20/01/2019 Chi Gong 1hr 58 134th of 158 finishers
16/12/2018 6 inch 47km 7hrs (12th finish)
21/10/2018 Rottnest Half 2hr 03 min
16/09/2018 Fremantle Half 1hr 58min
04/07/2018 Truth 25km 3hrs 11min 55 (PTS)
24/06/2018 Eagle 22km 2hrxx(59min officially, but 43min on my watch as started late)
17/06/2018 Perth Marathon 4hrs 15min
19/05/2018 Ultra-Trail Australia 100km 24hrs 33min 15secs 913th of 964 finishers
218 withdrawals
03/03/2018 Lark Hill 50km
17/12/2017 6 inch 48km 7hrs
06/08/2017 Truth 50km 8hrs 22min 59
16/07/2017 Jolly Jumbuck 21km 2hr 54min (94th of 129)
02/07/2017 King of the Mountain 16km 1hr 41min
20/05/2017 Ultra-Trail AUSTRALIA 100km DNF (at 58km and 10hours 38min)
26/03/2017 Bloated Goat 30km 5hr 18min
18/12/2016 6 inch 48km 6hrs 41min
16/10/2016 Melbourne Marathon 4hours 53min
25/09/2016 WTF 50 miler DNF at 55km
14/08/2016 Truth 50km DNF at 25km
3/07/2016 Gold Coast Marathon 4.11
14/05/2016 Ultra Trail Australia 50km 9 hours 50min
3/4/2016 My 20th consecutive Bridges fun run 10km 52.20 (hammy strain)
12/3/2016 Six Foot Track DNF at 30km 5 hours.
20/12/2015 6 inch 47km 6 hours 43min
15/11/15 Bloated Goat 30km Trails race (1600m Vert) 5hrs 43min
18/10/15 Melbourne Marathon 4.05
13/09/15 Fremantle 10km 47min 22
30/08/15 Perth City to Surf Marathon 4 hours 00min 20 secs.
05/07/15 GCM 4.11
24/05/15 R4R Half Marathon 1hr 46min 13secs
12/04/15 Bridges 10km 49min 53secs.
04/04/15 Perth Trail Series Truth & Consequences 50km ULTRA 8hours 49min
14/03/15 Six Foot Track 45km 6hrs 14min 11secs Smashing PB!!! (32min)
21/12/14 6 inch Trail 47km 7hrs 06min 30secs
12/10/14 Melbourne Marathon 4hrs 8min (8th fastest marathon in 25 finished)
14/09/14 Fremantle 10km 49min 26 (first K 3.47 5k split 23.02)
31/08/14 Perth City to Surf 42.2k 4hrs 34min
06/07/14 Gold Coast Half Marathon 1.49
15/06/14 Perth Marathon 4.48
01/06/14 Elleker Half Marathon 1.59.
21/04/14 40 miler DNF (28miles)
06/04/14 18th Bridges 10km 48min 47secs...since 1997
08/03/14 6 Foot Track 45km 6hrs 47min 02. (824th) A PB!!! :-)
09/02/14 Snakes and Ladders 15km 2.05
15/12/13 6 inch Trail Ultra 7.24
27/10/13 Rottnest Marathon 4.16.41
13/10/13 Melbourne Marathon 4.12.55
25/08/13 Perth City to Surf Marathon 4.13.28
11/08/13 Perth Half Marathon 1.54.05
28/07/13 Fremantle 10km 50.06 (very sick but first 1k in 3.55)
07/07/13 Gold Coast Half Marathon 1.47.29
16/06/13 Perth Marathon 4hrs 19min 55secs
My 10th consecutive Perth Marathon...Click to see -> how I became a SPARTAN...
19/05/13 Joondalup Half Marathon 1hr 58min 26secs 310th of 495.
07/04/13 Bridges 10km 54min 45seconds.
09/03/13 6 Foot Track 45km 6 hours 54 minutes 20 seconds. 740th of post or! page.
24/02/13 Perth Trail Series Qi Gong 14km 1hr 37min 04 Placed 79th of 117 finishers.
09/02/13 Busselton Half Marathon 1hr 51min 58 secs 219th. full Busso results here
02/11/12 John Gilmour 10k track 47.17 ..see here
14/10/12 Melbourne Marathon 3hrs 49min 52secs ..(777.)
16/09/12 Fremantle 10km 47min 16
26/08/12 City to Surf Marathon 4hrs 42min 41 secs
15/07/12 Lake Joondalup 10km 47min 30.
01/07/12 Gold Coast Half Marathon 1hr 44min 49 secs. 1668th of 9035 finishers
17/06/12 Perth Marathon 4hrs 6min ..
(post and photos here)
20/05/12 Joondalup Half Marathon 1hr 47min 01secs. (151st of 313 finishers)
15/05/12 Masters 5000m 21min 58secs
13/05/12 Bunbury Half Marathon 1hr 46min 45 secs. (76th of 240 finishers)
22/04/12 PTS Ellis Brook 21.8km trails race 3hrs 12min 28secs. 39th.
01/04/12 Bridges 10km 47min 02
25/03/12 17.3km (690m ascent) Swissmurdie trails race 2hrs 19min 17secs 54th of 60.
20/03/12 MastersWA 1500m in 5.56, 100m in 14.3, 400m in 76.4, 5000m in 23.33.
26/02/12 WAMC Swan Twilight 5km 24.32
26/02/12 Perth Trail Series Qi Gong 14km 1hr 44min 08 secs 70th of 102.
04/02/12 Busselton Half Marathon in 1hr 49min 31 secs.
18/12/11 6 inch 46km 5hrs 30min PB!
09/10/11 Melbourne Marathon in 4hours 02minutes
12/09/11 Fremantle 10km in 45minutes 50 secs.
7/8/11 Perth Half Marathon in 1hr 47min 46 secs.
17/7/11 Lake Joondalup 10km in 46min 33secs.
19/6/11 Perth Marathon in 4 hours 12min 54secs (351st of 547.)
12/6/11 Lake Monger 10km in 48min 09secs
22/5/11 Bunbury Half Marathon 1hr 51min 44secs 109th of 261 finishers
10/4/11 Bridges 10km 52min 55
12/3/11 6 foot 45km in 6hrs 53min 07 secs...819th...of 877...33 DNF's...4 outside 7hr cutoffRace Report and race photosPre & post race photos,initial ELATION
Note; Completing 6 foot is a major goal achieved which I have had in mind since 2005!!!!!!!
4/3/11 3000m in 12min 40 (19th of 19 finishers)Momentum building a little,sub 13 done! :-)
18/2/11 5000m in 23min 31 (20th of 20 finishers...4 DNF's)..results
5/2/2011 21.1km Busselton Half in 1hr 51min 41 secs for 124th of 218 finishers.
19/12/10 46km 6 inch trails race in 5hr 49min (63rd of 79 finishers)
10/12/10 5000m in 22.43 18th of 18!
5/11/10 John Gilmour 10,000m in 47min 36. (23rd of 31)
10/10/10 Melbourne Marathon 4hrs 5min...2895th of 5027 finishers...
12/9/10 Fremantle 10km in 46min 53...a big SB and my best time since 2005!
29/8/10; 42.2km in 4hrs 15min for 537th of 830 6th best of 12 M. finishes.
19/8/10; 5000m in 22min 06.0 secs (SB by 0.6 of a second, & Stan did a SB also that night)
22/7/10; 5000m in 22min 06.6 secs. (SB and 17secs off my track PB)
20/6/10 Perth Marathon in 4.30.
13/5/10; Masters 2000m 7.55 (first sub 8min run since 2005) & 5,000m 22.42
22/4/10; Masters 800m 2.46 & 5,000m 22.29!~(2nd best ever track 5,000m, track PB is 21.49,)
3/4/10; Australian Masters 35-39yrs; 4th in 1500m 5min 34secs. see here...
28/3/10; Bridges 10km in 48min 39secs. 388th of 1646
25/3/10; 300m in 47.6, 600m in 1.57.0 100m in 14.6
18/3/10; Masters 1500m in 6.03 & 10,000m in 49min 35
28/2/10; 4th place in 6 hour Track Race at Coker Park; 45.003km
6/2/10; Busselton 21.1km in 1hr 52min 50 secs
20/12/09;6 inch 46km 6hrs 16min
15/11/09; Peninsula 5km 22min 5225th of 73.
6/11/09; John Gilmour 10km 48min 39
11/10/09; Melbourne Marathon 4hrs 11 min 33 secs
4/10/09; Freo funrun 5km in 22min 53 secs
2011; 5hrs 30min 6 inchPB!! 2012; 3hrs 49min PB(Melbourne Marathon)!!2014; 6hrs 47min PB! @ 6 foot!
The next big things racing wise maybe;
6 inch 47km
on 20th December @ 0430hrs, countdown (activated a few days before?) is;
Kathryn and I welcomed our son J into the world in late July 2007 A.D.!
Our challenge is to be good parents with the Creator Gods help!
...2011... 2012.
but for the most important thing in life;
there is only 2 ways to live!...Bible Gateway...
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Four sub 4's in the twilight
Started after 1900 so it was getting dark, and had to use the light on my watch to see my splits which were mostly very even (held back a lot on the first rep) with 500m splits all in the 1.55-2.02 range. Struggling a bit on the last one, so put the pedal utterly to the metal in the last 200m finishing my last 200m in 34 seconds, and my last 100m in about 15 seconds.
Was NOT feeling like doing this session for a lot of reasons, but it was actually a great way to release some of the frustrations of the yeah I took out my frustrations on the poor unsuspecting reps...well something like that. Didn't have time to do a longer session really, and I felt I needed a speed session, so this was a good option, even though its probably one of the easier reps setups I have done...
Very happy with what I was able to do tonight! Good start to this week...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
To Hillarys and back with or without the Southerly.
Rode the black repco bike I gave my Dad again....seems I am riding alot more than he is at present. Back was a bit sore I think from working hard up hills into the strong southerly headwind on the way in. The gears on the repco are a bit tricky so takes a lot of concentration to ride this bike well especially with the headwind/tailwind to adjust to, but the advantage is that this bike has large wheels, which means top gear has a pretty good top speed much better than my other bike I think. Will have to fit a speedo to the repco as well so I cam see what sort of top speeds I am hitting on this thing, cos it feels like "breakneck speed". Saw lots of Kitesurfers as I rode along the sunset coast cyclepaths taking advantage of the strong southerlys. This bike has a good bell which was very useful as i threaded my way through pedestrians and slow cyclists...trying not to run over anyone on the narrow cyclepaths.
Saw a dead tiger snake on Lakeside drive back in Joondalup. Pretty happy with that 36km ride, but I need to be doing something like this every second day I think from here on, plus start crankin out some 50km-100km stuff once a week I reckon in the late charge to 6-inch which is only a few weeks away now.
Tennis and 4km run with my sweetheart
PM; A Quick hit of tennis at Arena Joondalup and a 4km run (partly on my Arena 2km course) with my sweetheart KL....About 57 minutes in total, with a short 15 minute break in between. Pretty low intensity for me, but a lot of fun, and KL was starting to hit a few good shots in the tennis...I think she has a killer forehand waiting to be unleashed.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
8km @ Arena
Following the other sheep
but I still prefer my Geocities setup and that will remain my main BLOG I think, but its good to explore another version of my blog...
MultiNATIONAL? blogging or something like that
This is Jon's BLOG about; ENJOYING and improving my running.....
2005 goals;....1. sub 1.40 Half (failed; did 1.41), 2. sub 38min 10k (44min 40 in Bridges my best in 05 so far)
3. sub 3.30 marathon...(failed; did 4.02)...GOAL 4. finish 6-inch track marathon sub 6 hours....
Jon's 2004 Perth Marathon race report ....2004 MARA BLOG ..24/10/04; Rottnest Marathon experience
GUESTBOOKracing 2001-2005pages...Comments/Feedback FORM section here ...Latest Sports News .
RAN 2005 Perth Marathon; 4hrs 2min(5.44 per km) 172nd of 277 finishers...




photos via; FUSE PHOTOGRAPHY...*->->Joondalup Jaguars Running Club concept on hiatus/suspended...
WEEK 3 (14/11/05-20/11/05);
Volume; min Sessions; Best RHR; Sleep; ( hours per night) *
OD/LSD/LFD sessions (At least 60min);
Races/Time trials;
Reps sessions; Ab Crunches;
momentum...(trying to build some...) ...
15/11/05-Tuesday Ran 5.5km Good solid run with some faster surges thrown in. A night run (Did not start until 8.30pm), was reasonably warm/hot during day, and then I got sidetracked onto the computer. Would have run further but I only had about 30minutes to play with, had to get back home...Want some much better sessions this week, but its a start. Just got to make sure I build on it this week, and make the most of the fact that this a pay week, maybe get mountainbike fixed this time....
WEEK 2 (7/11/05-13/11/05);
Volume;303min Sessions; 4 Best RHR;48 Sleep;43.5 (6.21 hours per night) *59
OD/LSD/LFD sessions (Minimum 1 hour duration); Ran 12km (9/11/05),Ran 28km (12/11/05)
Races/Time trials;NIL
Reps sessions;NIL Ab Crunches; 250 (8/11), 350 (11/11)
Easing back into the Saddle......
7/11/05-Monday I was still a bit disorientated by Cobbler? venom, but got Tetanus shot from Doctor, and had him check the wound to make sure none of the barb was still in the wound. By evening felt ok....
8/11/05-Tuesday did 250 Ab (abdominal) Crunches, meant to train but didn't get to it.
9/11/05-Wednesday; Ran a solid 12km in 71 minutes (just under 6 minutes per km), nothing incredible, but an important one to get on the board, plus it proved my foot was fully good to go and recovered from the Cobbler incident on Sunday. Had a pretty special night with KL afterwards.
10/11/05-Thursday; Cycled 18km in 51 minutes again on my Dad's black Repco (the mountainbike I got him), since my normal bike still needs repairs. Its a faster bike, almost (or perhaps is) a hybrid, has very big wheels. My 11km split was a few minutes quicker than what I rode 11km in on Tuesday last week, but nowhere near flat out, just trying to get the system functioning well again after a tough day at work. I think it did the job.
11/11/05-Friday Did 350 Ab crunches after a work, felt very motivated especially once I cranked up the DemonHunter...Been getting into some POD (Fundamental Elements of Southtown) in the last few days, enjoying songs like Freestyler, Rock the Party, Southtown,bullet the blue sky, Set your eyes to Zion and Tribal Warrior...pretty aggressive hardcoreish/rapcoreish stuff (think Korn) which suits my mood, and the sort of mood I want this week....A bit short on time with a work get-together on this evening, and ran out of time to get a ride done. Planning to be at Dave's Recon run bright and early on Saturday, hopefully no Saturday sleep in for me this week, its ""Good morning Vietnam" at 0400 for me again for the the 5th day in a row (it would have been 6 days if I had not been off sick from work on Monday)...
12/11/05-RAN (6-inch RECON RUN #1) about 28km (2hours 41 minutes) on the gravel trails of the Mundi Biddi mountainbike trail from Dwellingup almost as far as Oakley Dam. (Oakley Dam was the final campsite, for the SU Hiking Camps I went on 1987-1990.) Click on photos or link to go to my page about these times.
...
6-INCH RECON RUN #1 REPORT;Didn't get to sleep until 0045, so wake-up at 0345 was a bit savage. Drove to Dwellingup got there early at 0600 was able to get organised and relax a bit before the other three 6-inch aspirants arrived. Dave and I set the early pace for the first 30-50minutes, which at around 5.15 per km was fairly comfortable, we took one wrong turn near the Marrinup POW camp but corrected that quickly, and then mostly fairly straight-forward along the Mundi Biddi. When Dave had a pitstop, Nate moved to the front. saw some kangaroos, and the amount of shade from the trees was very welcome. We crossed two gravel "roads", I think Grey Rd and Scarp Rd? (have to check my Mundi Biddi Map 2), and also went past a campsite near the Marrinup POW camp. The campers there were probably still in their sleeping bags and tents, although they were up having breakfast when we came back. Dave and Nate went to the front of our group about 50 minutes in I think?...I dropped back with Gm, as the distance was starting to tell on me a little as expected (Have not run more than 12km since the Perth Marathon 3rd July 2005), and Dave & Nate started to pick up the pace a bit. Made the turn at 1hour 16minutes to start heading back to Dwellingup, a little after Scarp Rd I think... Struggled with the hills on the way back, ended up walking a bit here and there and by about the 2hours 15minutes mark, was slipping into "extreme shuffle mode"/walk zone. Ran with Gm quite a long time, as Dave & Nate, were about 5-15minutes ahead of us on the way back...Dave and Nate finished in about 2 hrs 27, and came back to encourage me and Gm in the last 5 minutes...At the end had some fun with a mock sprint finish with Nate, and pretending I was winning a big race.... My left knee was a little sore near the end, and I did ice it later that day, but ok I think....Had some interesting chats with Gm about using GPS for course measuring, race Tactics, training, my racewalking background, injuries, cyclists on the road, and so on...Its always good to have people to run with, and chat with, as it is a good motivation/encouragement to stick at it, and try and maintain running, when I really felt like throwing in the towel. Tough run, but very rewarding enjoyable, and a feeling of fulfillment. Very nice to get out in thew forest, away from city!!!! Big struggle to avoid falling asleep at the wheel on the way home, but I took breaks every 30-45 minutes on the long drive home, and made it, Thanks God! I think I will try and get KL to drive me home after the 6-INCH Marathon race in December. Now have a good mental picture of how the last 14km of the 6-inch will finish...
13/11/05-Sunday Quick 19 minute walk with KL near the railway tunnel.
WEEK 1 (31/10/05-06/11/05);
Volume; 183min Sessions;7 Best RHR;48 Sleep;41.25 (5.89 hours per night) *62
OD/LSD/LFD sessions (Minimum 1 hour duration); Cycled 22km
Races/Time trials;NIL
Reps sessions;NIL Ab Crunches; 150 (1/11)
NovemBer...hopefully a New Beginning?...
1/11/05-Tuesday; 11km cycle on usual course (cycle path near Freeway). OK.
2/11/05-Wednesday; Ran about 8km-9km with Dave in Kings Park; 44 minutes...hill up to DNA Tower,(up DNA TOWER itself once) and 1xJacobs ladder before (1min 26), meant this was a pretty good run, with some solid uphill stuff and could feel it in the calves the next day...My sub-standard cardio-respiratory fitness was tested out by all the hills work, but you get that sometimes...Better off for having done it! Terrain/surfaces (mainly grass and trail) and views were excellent...
4/11/05-Friday; quick night run with my girlfriend KL.....
5/11/05-Saturday AM; Cycled 22km (60minutes) on Burns Beach course, which has some good ocean views...headwind/tailwind..important session.....
5/11/05-Saturday PM; Ran 1 mile at night on the ArenA Joondalup Track (4 laps of 400m track) with my girlfriend KL....
6/11/05-Sunday AM; Ran 3.5km course and did a PB by 28 seconds for that course, (getting Heart Rate to 183 by end)...Wuhoo!....
6/11/05-Sunday PM; Caught a few waves with KL at North Mullaloo Beach until I stepped on a Cobbler?, (spiky Catfish etc) which put venom into my system, and gave me severe pain for about 5-6 hours...Put foot into hot water for 4 hours, and then switched to hot water bottle for 2 hours. Felt rather disorientated by Cobbler venom, slept 10 hours that night, and got Tetanus shot at the Doctors the next day
Towards 6-inch Track Marathon...(45km on steep! gravel tracks)
October 2005 review;In recent weeks; Did one 40km cycle, ran a solid 7km & 8km on consecutive nights, did a few 11km cycles, lots of 3.5km runs, also ran with S near North Beach, and took K through her first ever experience with reps sessions. She has got me doing some Ab-crunches again in the last 2 weeks. Did 150 at 0330hrs before work on 25/10/05. Abs work is good for my back and have not done any for about 6 months, so hopefully can build some momentum with that. tried out some gyms, but I dont like the environment, I prefer to be out in the fresh air.
Have struggled to adjust to 4am wake up 5 days a week for work, still going to sleep at 2300hrs-0000 for 4am wakeup which means 4-5 hours sleep on most nights. Have to get to sleep earlier somehow and get sleep average over 6 hours a night.Pretty keen to get my main mountainbike operational again. Just been way too busy with various stuff also.
Biggest concern though is some injury niggles with my left foot since the Rottnest 10km.
23rd October 2005;Raced the Rottnest 10km Funrun to finish 50th of 215 in 46 minutes 54. Two photos coming soon. Really nice to see girlfriend K improve her 5km time on the much tougher Rottnest course! See Watched D improve his marathon time, and N do his debut marathon (3.44!) all on the same day!
1st & 2nd October 2005;Did 10 hours of Hiking with my girlfriend and my Rottnest Marathon friends on the Bibbulumn Track. However have decided against a last minute charge at Rottnest Marathon 2005, its just been too hard to train in recent months, so just going to take it easy with a 10k, cheering on my friends, and helping my girlfriend improve her 5k time....Only other marathon possibility for me this year is Dave's inauguaral off-road 45km '6-inch Track Marathon" on December 16th...(inspired by the 6-foot marathon in the Blue Mountains,NSW which we hear so much about on Cool Running)....So plan to reactivate my BLOG as I try to get training going again, ***consistently!*** in preparation for the 6-inch Track Marathon! wuhoo!...
Where to now?....
BUSY! with new job (40hours per week since 22/8/05), my girlfriend K (for over 5 months now), have done over $1000 worth of much needed repairs on my car! still not happy with it, and its essential for me to get to the 5am starts at work. The mountainbike is out of use for now, will fix it soon. Have recently bought some much needed new shoes. Can retire the pair I ran my first 3 marathons in. Tried out my new shoes in the 2005 City to Surf 12km on 28/8/05, did about 57 minutes.
WEEK 16 (25/06/05-03/07/05);
Volume; 554min Sessions;7 Best RHR;49 Sleep;47 *34
OD/LSD/LFD sessions; Cycled 34km
Races/Time trials;RAN Perth Marathon in 4 hours 2 minutes (5.44 per km)
Reps sessions;NIL
You can't go back, you can go on..........
Sunday 3/7/05; Ran Perth Marathon in 4 hours 2 minutes (5.44perkm)
(Half splits 1.45/2.16)...172nd of 277.
Great to see one of the legends from the WAMC messageboard out there, and Dr Dan also...Tough headwind as I expected from Raffles Bridge (31km) to Narrows Bridge (36km)...A bit warm at times, but overall apart from headwind for that 5km stretch, pretty good conditions....
10k split 45.48, 15k 70.42, 30k 2.41 36k 3.19...
Wonderful,special to have my girlfriend K and my brother from USA, as well as Dad there as my support crew, doing drinks, made the experience all the more special.....
Official results @ WAMC,photos @ fuse photography....
My lack of distance work and sporadic training in general mean't that by 18k-20k I knew the sub 3.30 was not going to happen...
momentum...(trying to build some...) ...
OD/LSD/LFD sessions (Minimum 1 hour duration); Ran 12km (9/11/05),Ran 28km (12/11/05)
Races/Time trials;NIL
Reps sessions;NIL Ab Crunches; 250 (8/11), 350 (11/11)
Easing back into the Saddle......
8/11/05-Tuesday did 250 Ab (abdominal) Crunches, meant to train but didn't get to it.
9/11/05-Wednesday; Ran a solid 12km in 71 minutes (just under 6 minutes per km), nothing incredible, but an important one to get on the board, plus it proved my foot was fully good to go and recovered from the Cobbler incident on Sunday. Had a pretty special night with KL afterwards.
10/11/05-Thursday; Cycled 18km in 51 minutes again on my Dad's black Repco (the mountainbike I got him), since my normal bike still needs repairs. Its a faster bike, almost (or perhaps is) a hybrid, has very big wheels. My 11km split was a few minutes quicker than what I rode 11km in on Tuesday last week, but nowhere near flat out, just trying to get the system functioning well again after a tough day at work. I think it did the job.
11/11/05-Friday Did 350 Ab crunches after a work, felt very motivated especially once I cranked up the DemonHunter...Been getting into some POD (Fundamental Elements of Southtown) in the last few days, enjoying songs like Freestyler, Rock the Party, Southtown,bullet the blue sky, Set your eyes to Zion and Tribal Warrior...pretty aggressive hardcoreish/rapcoreish stuff (think Korn) which suits my mood, and the sort of mood I want this week....A bit short on time with a work get-together on this evening, and ran out of time to get a ride done. Planning to be at Dave's Recon run bright and early on Saturday, hopefully no Saturday sleep in for me this week, its ""Good morning Vietnam" at 0400 for me again for the the 5th day in a row (it would have been 6 days if I had not been off sick from work on Monday)...
12/11/05-RAN (6-inch RECON RUN #1) about 28km (2hours 41 minutes) on the gravel trails of the Mundi Biddi mountainbike trail from Dwellingup almost as far as Oakley Dam. (Oakley Dam was the final campsite, for the SU Hiking Camps I went on 1987-1990.) Click on photos or link to go to my page about these times.





6-INCH RECON RUN #1 REPORT;Didn't get to sleep until 0045, so wake-up at 0345 was a bit savage. Drove to Dwellingup got there early at 0600 was able to get organised and relax a bit before the other three 6-inch aspirants arrived. Dave and I set the early pace for the first 30-50minutes, which at around 5.15 per km was fairly comfortable, we took one wrong turn near the Marrinup POW camp but corrected that quickly, and then mostly fairly straight-forward along the Mundi Biddi. When Dave had a pitstop, Nate moved to the front. saw some kangaroos, and the amount of shade from the trees was very welcome. We crossed two gravel "roads", I think Grey Rd and Scarp Rd? (have to check my Mundi Biddi Map 2), and also went past a campsite near the Marrinup POW camp. The campers there were probably still in their sleeping bags and tents, although they were up having breakfast when we came back. Dave and Nate went to the front of our group about 50 minutes in I think?...I dropped back with Gm, as the distance was starting to tell on me a little as expected (Have not run more than 12km since the Perth Marathon 3rd July 2005), and Dave & Nate started to pick up the pace a bit. Made the turn at 1hour 16minutes to start heading back to Dwellingup, a little after Scarp Rd I think... Struggled with the hills on the way back, ended up walking a bit here and there and by about the 2hours 15minutes mark, was slipping into "extreme shuffle mode"/walk zone. Ran with Gm quite a long time, as Dave & Nate, were about 5-15minutes ahead of us on the way back...Dave and Nate finished in about 2 hrs 27, and came back to encourage me and Gm in the last 5 minutes...At the end had some fun with a mock sprint finish with Nate, and pretending I was winning a big race.... My left knee was a little sore near the end, and I did ice it later that day, but ok I think....Had some interesting chats with Gm about using GPS for course measuring, race Tactics, training, my racewalking background, injuries, cyclists on the road, and so on...Its always good to have people to run with, and chat with, as it is a good motivation/encouragement to stick at it, and try and maintain running, when I really felt like throwing in the towel. Tough run, but very rewarding enjoyable, and a feeling of fulfillment. Very nice to get out in thew forest, away from city!!!! Big struggle to avoid falling asleep at the wheel on the way home, but I took breaks every 30-45 minutes on the long drive home, and made it, Thanks God! I think I will try and get KL to drive me home after the 6-INCH Marathon race in December. Now have a good mental picture of how the last 14km of the 6-inch will finish...
13/11/05-Sunday Quick 19 minute walk with KL near the railway tunnel.
WEEK 1 (31/10/05-06/11/05);
Volume; 183min Sessions;7 Best RHR;48 Sleep;41.25 (5.89 hours per night) *62
OD/LSD/LFD sessions (Minimum 1 hour duration); Cycled 22km
Races/Time trials;NIL
Reps sessions;NIL Ab Crunches; 150 (1/11)
NovemBer...hopefully a New Beginning?...
1/11/05-Tuesday; 11km cycle on usual course (cycle path near Freeway). OK.
2/11/05-Wednesday; Ran about 8km-9km with Dave in Kings Park; 44 minutes...hill up to DNA Tower,(up DNA TOWER itself once) and 1xJacobs ladder before (1min 26), meant this was a pretty good run, with some solid uphill stuff and could feel it in the calves the next day...My sub-standard cardio-respiratory fitness was tested out by all the hills work, but you get that sometimes...Better off for having done it! Terrain/surfaces (mainly grass and trail) and views were excellent...
4/11/05-Friday; quick night run with my girlfriend KL.....
5/11/05-Saturday AM; Cycled 22km (60minutes) on Burns Beach course, which has some good ocean views...headwind/tailwind..important session.....
5/11/05-Saturday PM; Ran 1 mile at night on the ArenA Joondalup Track (4 laps of 400m track) with my girlfriend KL....
6/11/05-Sunday AM; Ran 3.5km course and did a PB by 28 seconds for that course, (getting Heart Rate to 183 by end)...Wuhoo!....
6/11/05-Sunday PM; Caught a few waves with KL at North Mullaloo Beach until I stepped on a Cobbler?, (spiky Catfish etc) which put venom into my system, and gave me severe pain for about 5-6 hours...Put foot into hot water for 4 hours, and then switched to hot water bottle for 2 hours. Felt rather disorientated by Cobbler venom, slept 10 hours that night, and got Tetanus shot at the Doctors the next day
Towards 6-inch Track Marathon...(45km on steep! gravel tracks)
October 2005 review;In recent weeks; Did one 40km cycle, ran a solid 7km & 8km on consecutive nights, did a few 11km cycles, lots of 3.5km runs, also ran with S near North Beach, and took K through her first ever experience with reps sessions. She has got me doing some Ab-crunches again in the last 2 weeks. Did 150 at 0330hrs before work on 25/10/05. Abs work is good for my back and have not done any for about 6 months, so hopefully can build some momentum with that. tried out some gyms, but I dont like the environment, I prefer to be out in the fresh air.
Have struggled to adjust to 4am wake up 5 days a week for work, still going to sleep at 2300hrs-0000 for 4am wakeup which means 4-5 hours sleep on most nights. Have to get to sleep earlier somehow and get sleep average over 6 hours a night.Pretty keen to get my main mountainbike operational again. Just been way too busy with various stuff also.
Biggest concern though is some injury niggles with my left foot since the Rottnest 10km.
23rd October 2005;Raced the Rottnest 10km Funrun to finish 50th of 215 in 46 minutes 54. Two photos coming soon. Really nice to see girlfriend K improve her 5km time on the much tougher Rottnest course! See Watched D improve his marathon time, and N do his debut marathon (3.44!) all on the same day!
1st & 2nd October 2005;Did 10 hours of Hiking with my girlfriend and my Rottnest Marathon friends on the Bibbulumn Track. However have decided against a last minute charge at Rottnest Marathon 2005, its just been too hard to train in recent months, so just going to take it easy with a 10k, cheering on my friends, and helping my girlfriend improve her 5k time....Only other marathon possibility for me this year is Dave's inauguaral off-road 45km '6-inch Track Marathon" on December 16th...(inspired by the 6-foot marathon in the Blue Mountains,NSW which we hear so much about on Cool Running)....So plan to reactivate my BLOG as I try to get training going again, ***consistently!*** in preparation for the 6-inch Track Marathon! wuhoo!...
Where to now?....
NovemBer...hopefully a New Beginning?...
BUSY! with new job (40hours per week since 22/8/05), my girlfriend K (for over 5 months now), have done over $1000 worth of much needed repairs on my car! still not happy with it, and its essential for me to get to the 5am starts at work. The mountainbike is out of use for now, will fix it soon. Have recently bought some much needed new shoes. Can retire the pair I ran my first 3 marathons in. Tried out my new shoes in the 2005 City to Surf 12km on 28/8/05, did about 57 minutes.
WEEK 16 (25/06/05-03/07/05);
Volume; 554min Sessions;7 Best RHR;49 Sleep;47 *34
OD/LSD/LFD sessions; Cycled 34km
Races/Time trials;RAN Perth Marathon in 4 hours 2 minutes (5.44 per km)
Reps sessions;NIL
You can't go back, you can go on..........
Sunday 3/7/05; Ran Perth Marathon in 4 hours 2 minutes (5.44perkm)
(Half splits 1.45/2.16)...172nd of 277.
Great to see one of the legends from the WAMC messageboard out there, and Dr Dan also...Tough headwind as I expected from Raffles Bridge (31km) to Narrows Bridge (36km)...A bit warm at times, but overall apart from headwind for that 5km stretch, pretty good conditions....
10k split 45.48, 15k 70.42, 30k 2.41 36k 3.19...
Wonderful,special to have my girlfriend K and my brother from USA, as well as Dad there as my support crew, doing drinks, made the experience all the more special.....
Official results @ WAMC,photos @ fuse photography....
My lack of distance work and sporadic training in general mean't that by 18k-20k I knew the sub 3.30 was not going to happen...
WEEK 16 (25/06/05-03/07/05);
Volume; 554min Sessions;7 Best RHR;49 Sleep;47 *34
OD/LSD/LFD sessions; Cycled 34km
Races/Time trials;RAN Perth Marathon in 4 hours 2 minutes (5.44 per km)
Reps sessions;NIL
You can't go back, you can go on..........
(Half splits 1.45/2.16)...172nd of 277.
Great to see one of the legends from the WAMC messageboard out there, and Dr Dan also...Tough headwind as I expected from Raffles Bridge (31km) to Narrows Bridge (36km)...A bit warm at times, but overall apart from headwind for that 5km stretch, pretty good conditions....
10k split 45.48, 15k 70.42, 30k 2.41 36k 3.19...
Wonderful,special to have my girlfriend K and my brother from USA, as well as Dad there as my support crew, doing drinks, made the experience all the more special.....
Official results @ WAMC,photos @ fuse photography....
My lack of distance work and sporadic training in general mean't that by 18k-20k I knew the sub 3.30 was not going to happen...